The connection wallet popup, used with ConnectButton to complete the wallet connection process. Usually, you only need to use the Connector component directly.
Note: The examples in this document are just pure UI examples. In Ant Design Web3, the UI module and the connection module are separated. To connect to the wallet, please refer to the documentation of Ethereum Adapter or read the Adapter documentation for more information.
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
title | Custom connect modal title | React.ReactNode | - | - |
onWalletSelected | Callback when the wallet is selected | (wallet: Walle, options?: ConnectOptions) => void | - | - |
onCancel | Specify a function that will be called when a user clicks mask, close button on top right or Cancel button | (e:React.SyntheticEvent) => void | - | - |
footer | Custom footer | React.ReactNode | - | - |
walletList | Wallet list | Wallet[] | - | - |
group | Does the wallet need to be grouped | boolean | {groupOrder: (a: string, b: string) => number} | true when there are multiple groups | - |
mode | Popup mode | 'simple' | 'normal' | 'auto' | 'auto' | - |
guide | Newbie guide content | DefaultGuide | DefaultGuide | - |
actionRef | Used to control the component | MutableRefObject<ConnectModalActionType> | - | - |
defaultSelectedWallet | Default selected wallet | Wallet | - | - |
locale | Multilingual settings | Locale["ConnectModal"] | - | - |
connecting | Whether it is connecting | boolean | - | - |
emptyProps | Empty state props | EmptyProps | {image: Empty.PRESENTED_IMAGE_SIMPLE, description: "No wallet available"} | 1.18.0 |
Other modal properties see: ModalProps
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
title | Guide title | string | - | - |
infos | Guide info list | GuideInfo[] | - | - |
moreLink | More link | string | - | - |
getWalletBtnText | Get wallet button text | string | - | - |
moreLinkText | More link text | string | - | - |
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
title | The title of the information item of the newbie guide panel | string | React.ReactNode | - | - |
icon | The icon of the information item of the newbie guide panel | string | React.ReactNode | - | - |
description | The description of the information item of the newbie guide panel | string | React.ReactNode | - | - |
Besides properties related to controlling pop-ups, it is the same as ConnectModal