This defines the unified types of Ant Design Web3, which may be used in multiple components.
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
address | Account address (When multiple addresses are supported by the adapter, this represents the first address (addresses[0] )) | string | - | - |
name | Account name, For example, ENS in Ethereum | string | - | - |
addresses | List of wallet addresses authorized by the user (implemented by the adapter, supported in some chains) | string[] | - | - |
This is an enum type that contains the IDs of some commonly used chains. Its value is a number, which can be used to determine whether the current chain is a specific chain.
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
id | Chain ID | ChainIds | - | - |
name | Chain name | string | - | - |
icon | Chain icon | React.ReactNode | - | - |
type | Chain Type: EVM compatible chains/SolanaVM chain/Bitcoin chain | EVM | SVM | Bitcoin | - | - |
browser | Chain browser config | ChainBrowser | - | - |
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
icon | Chain browser icon | React.ReactNode | - | - |
getBrowserLink | Get chain browser record url hanlder | (address: string, type: 'address' | 'transaction') => string | - | - |
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
name | Wallet name | string | - | - |
icon | Wallet icon | string | React.ReactNode | - | - |
remark | Wallet description | string | - | - |
key | Wallet key | React.Key | - | - |
extensions | List of browser extensions supported by the wallet | false | ExtensionItem[] | - | - |
app | Whether the wallet supports APP calls | false | { link: string } | - | - |
group | Wallet group name | string | - | - |
hasWalletReady | Whether the wallet is ready | () => boolean | - | - |
hasExtensionInstalled | Whether the browser extension is installed | () => boolean | - | - |
getQrCode | Get the QR code of the wallet | () => { uri: string } | - | - |
customQrCodePanel | Custom QR code display panel | boolean | false | 1.17.0 |
universalProtocol | Universal protocol config | { link: string } | - | - |
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
link | Link to browser extension | string | - | - |
key | Browser extension key | 'Chrome' | 'Firefox' | 'Edge' | 'Safari' | (string & {}) | - | - |
browserIcon | Browser icon | string | - | - |
browserName | Browser extension name | string | - | - |
description | Description of browser extension | string | - | - |
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
name | Name of the NFT | string | - | - |
description | Description of the NFT | string | - | - |
image | Image link of the NFT | string | - | - |
dna | DNA or genetic encoding of the NFT | string | - | - |
edition | Version number of the NFT | number | - | - |
date | Date of the NFT | number | - | - |
attributes | List of additional attributes of the NFT, including an array of objects with trait_type and value properties. | Attribute[] | - | - |
compiler | Compiler or tool used to create the NFT | string | - | - |
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
trait_type | The type of the attribute representing the characteristic type of the NFT. | string | - | - |
value | The value of the attribute representing the characteristic of the NFT. | string | - | - |
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
connectType | Connection type | 'extension' | 'qrCode' | - | - |
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
account | Current account | Account | - | - |
chain | Current chain | Chain | - | - |
availableChains | List of available chains | Chain[] | - | - |
availableWallets | List of available wallets | Wallet[] | - | - |
connect | Connect to the wallet | (wallet: Wallet, options?: ConnectOptions) => Promise<void | Account> | - | - |
disconnect | Disconnect from the chain | () => Promise<void> | - | - |
switchChain | Switch to another chain | (chainId: ChainIds) => Promise<void> | - | - |
getNFTMetadata | Get the metadata of the NFT | (contractAddress: string, tokenId?: string) => Promise<NFTMetadata> | - | - |
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
name | Name of the token | string | - | - |
symbol | Symbol of the token | string | - | - |
icon | The icon of the token | React.ReactNode | - | - |
decimal | The decimal of the token | number | - | - |
availableChains | List of available chains | TokenChain[] | - | - |
Property | Description | Type | Default | Version |
chain | The chain of token | Chain | - | - |
contract | The contract address of token | string | - | |
Internationalization support text can be found in the code.